White Rodgers Heat Pump Troubleshooting

Probable issues which may happen to your White Rodgers heat pump are described in the tables below. Here you can find the separate lists for each of the White Rodgers models.

In case of heat pump not working, find the correspondent situation described in the list, and determine the actions you can do. The reasons of heat pump not cooling properly or heat pump fan not spinning may be various, so read the table carefully.

For each symptom that you see in your heat pump, there is a possible cause, solution or corrective action offered. You can do some of them if you know how to – for example, adjusting the thermostat, and if the heat pump has serious damage, contact the specialists.

White Rodgers COMFORT-SET 90 Series Heat Pump Troubleshooting

SymptomPossible CauseCorrective Action
Thermostat Does Not Follow Program1. AM or PM set incorrectly in program.Check current clock and program settings including AM or PM designations for each time period. If a voltage spike or a static discharge occurs use the reset operation listed above.
2. AM or PM set incorrectly on clock.
3. Voltage spike or static discharge.
Blank Display and/or Keypad Not Responding1. Voltage spike or static discharge.Replace batteries and check heat/cool system for proper operation. If a voltage spike occurs use the Reset Operation listed above.
2. Battery change required.
No Heat/No Cool/No Fan (Common Problems)1. Blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker.Replace fuse or reset breaker.
2. Furnace power switch to OFF.Turn switch to ON.
3. Furnace blower compartment door or panel loose or not properly installed.Replace door panel in proper position to engage safety interlock or door switch.
No Heat1. Pilot light not lit.Re-light pilot.
2. System button not pressed to display Heat.Set SYSTEM button until HEAT is displayed and raise temperature above room temperature.
3. Loose connection to thermostat or system.Verify thermostat and system wires are securely attached.
4. Furnace Lock-Out Condition. Heat may also be intermittent.Many furnaces have safety devices that shut down when a lock-out condition occurs. If the heat works intermittently contact the furnace manufacturer or local service person for assistance.
5. Heating system requires service orDiagonistic: Set SYSTEM button until HEAT is displayed and raise setpoint above room temperature. Within a few seconds the thermostat should make a soft click sound. This sound usually indicates the thermostat is operating properly. If the thermostat does not click, try the reset operation listed on the previous page. If the thermostat does not click after being reset contact your heating and cooling service person or place of purchase for replacement. If the thermostat clicks, contact the furnace manufacturer or a service person to verify the heatinq is operation correctly.
No Cool1. System button not pressed to display Cool.Set SYSTEM button until COOL is displayed and raise temperature below room temperature.
2. Loose connection to thermostat or system.Verify thermostat and system wires are securely attached.
3. Cooling system requires service or thermostat requires replacement.Same procedure as diagnostic for No Heat condition except press the SYSTEM button until COOL is displayed and lower the setpoint below room temperature. There may be up to a five minute delay before the thermostat clicks in Cooling.
Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly.1. Possible short in wiring.Check each wire connection to verify they are not shorted or touching together. No bare wire should out from under terminal screws. Try resetting the thermostat as described on the previous page. If the condition persists the manufacturer of your system or service person can instruct you on how to test the Heat/Cool system for correct operation. If the system operates correctly, replace the thermostat.
2. Possible short in thermostat.
3. Possible short in Heat/Cool/Fan system.
4. Fan button pressed to display FAN ON.

White Rodgers 1F95CA-391 Heat Pump Troubleshooting

Why does the system run with the setpoint and room temperature the same?In cooling, as the room temperature falls you will eventually reach the setpoint temperature. The system will continue to run until it reaches the low side of the temperature setting. As an example: If set to 78 degrees with the room temperature falling the thermostat will continue to call for cool as the temperature decreases in the following manner. 78.9, 78.8, 78.7, 78.6, 78.5, 78.4, 78.3, 78.2, at approximately 78.2 the thermostat will quit calling for cool. This is why it is not unusual for the room temperature and set temperature to read the same but the system continues to run. The amount of time it takes for the system to shut off is dependent on system sizing, thermostat location, etc. Note: The thermostat display only displays whole numbers. Internally the thermostat calculates decimals.
In heating as the room temperature increases the system will continue to run until the thermostat reaches the high side of the temperature setpoint.
Why is the temperature change display so slow?Digitals are engineered to a specific response rate. Compared to a thermometer it will seem slow. When left to acclimate and control temperature it will provide precise temperature control on a properly sized system.
How do 1 temporarily Override the program and Hold Til Timing?Any time your program is running and you would like to override it for a specific amount of time, press or until the temperature you want is displayed. The display will indicate HOLD, and the number of hours remaining in the hold period will be indicated with the word HRS. To adjust the length of time for the override, press TIME FWD or TIME BACK. The time you select will become the new number of hours for the Hold Til timing. Once your time is selected, let the thermostat revert back to normal operation on its own to accept the change.
What is the thermostat Click Test?Many furnaces have safety devices that shut the system down when a lock-out condition occurs in the furnace. If the thermostat is turned off or the call for heat is cancelled (by lowering and then raising the set temperature) the furnace may start operating again. A diagnostic to see if the thermostat is operating when the room temperature is below the thermostat setting (in heat) is to lower the setting below the room temp. Within about 3 seconds the thermostat should make a soft click sound. This sound is the thermostat turning off the call for heat and usually indicates the thermostat is operating properly. If the thermostat does not click you would be suspicious of the thermostat and try resetting it by following it's reset operation. If the thermostat does not click after being reset contact your heating and cooling service person or place of purchase for a replacement. If the thermostat clicks and the heat works intermittently contact the furnace manufacturer or local service person. They will want to observe the condition when it is not working.
You can raise and lower the temperature a few degrees above and below the room temperature and each time expect to hear the thermostat click on and off within a few seconds. If it clicks, it is operating properly.

White Rodgers 37-6186B Heat Pump Troubleshooting

Furnace Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow (narrow or wide temperature swing)1. The location of the thermostat and/or the size of the Heating System may be influencing the cycle rate.Digital thermostats normally provide precise temperature control and may cycle faster than some older mechanical models. A faster cycle rate means the unit turns on or off more frequently but runs for a shorter time so there is no increase in energy use. If you would like to increase the cycle time
Cooling Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow (narrow or wide temperature swing)1. The location of the thermostat and/or size of the Cooling System can influence the rate.The cycle rate for cooling is fixed and can not be adjusted. Contact a local service person for suggestions.
Thermostat Setting and Thermostat Thermometer Disagree1. Thermostat thermometer setting requires adjustment.The thermostat can be adjusted +/- 5°F.
Thermostat Does Not Follow Program1. AM or PM set incorrectly in program.Check current clock and program settings including the AM or PM designations for each time period. If a voltage spike or a static discharge occurs use the Reset Operation listed above.
2.AM or PM set incorrectly on the clock.
3. Voltage spike or static discharge.