Heil Heat Pump Troubleshooting

In the tables below you can find the list of possible troubles which you can encounter using your Heil heat pump. The information given there may be helpful in case of your heat pump not working properly.

The types of defects or breakdowns are various. There are detailed descriptions of possible problems and causes of heat pump not cooling or heat pump fan not spinning. Here you can find some questions which give you the idea what to investigate or to check before addressing to the specialists.

The Heil heat pump flash codes given in the tables and their descriptions are meant to give you the key to the possible problems you have with your heat pump. Do not try to do any repair if you are not a specialist!

On, No FlashStandby
1, PauseLow Stage
2, PauseHigh Stage
Continuous FlashEmergency Mode
16System Communications Failure
25Invalid Model Plug
31High Pressure Switch Trip
32Low Pressure Switch Trip
45Control Fault
46Brown out (230V)
47No 230v with Call to Run
53Outdoor Air Temp Sensor
55Coil Temp Sensor
56Temp Sensor Range Error
71Low Stage Thermal Cutout
72High Stage Thermal Cutout
73Contactor Shorted
74Contactor Open (No 230v to Comp)
81Low Stage Thermal Lockout (4 HRS)
82High Stage Thermal Lockout (4 HRS)
83Low Pressure Lockout (4 HRS)
84High Pressure Lockout (4 HRS)